BusinessAdobe Summit 2023
adobe summit 2023 - adobe agency partner 85SIXTY

Adobe Summit 2023

Adobe Summit 2023 is back in person! As a certified Adobe agency partner, 85SIXTY is excited to have team members attending this year to support our customers on stage, gain insight into successful digital experience projects and connect with other Experience Makers. This year we decided to check in with the team members heading to the event to see what they were looking forward to from Adobe this year.

What excites you at Adobe Summit 2023?

Alex Klein - VP, Digital Solutions - 85SIXTY - adobe agency partner
Alex Klein
VP, Digital Solutions

“I’m excited to support our client speaking about our collaborative AEP implementation project, to see what optimizations and new capabilities are in the roadmap for AEP this year, and to connect with clients and potentially new clients whom we could help drive value from their Adobe investment.”

Kevin Day
Associate Director, Digital Solutions

“I am excited about reconnecting. With Adobe Summit being virtual for the last 3 years, I am looking forward to reconnecting in person with those connections I have made throughout previous Adobe Summits. It’s amazing what you can learn and take away from those who work at Adobe or other companies in just those brief conversations throughout Adobe Summit.”

Michelle Beszeditz
Sr. Analytics Specialist

“Along with cheering on our client in their presentation, I am most excited to learn about the future of Adobe. Getting hands-on experiences with the latest product features, talking with Adobe solution experts and learning how it can all support 85SIXTY’s growth.”

We asked the team for any final thoughts before they headed out to the Adobe Summit.

The marketing landscape is changing with the phasing out of third-party cookies. The biggest issue is simply the uncertainty. Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox have already blocked third-party cookies. Google is also working towards phasing out third-party cookies at some point. Third-party cookie deprecation requires a dedicated focus on first-party data collected directly from customers. With this data, brands are able to analyze how customers interact with their brand and provide truly personalized experiences to help retain existing customers, create new customer relationships, and ultimately drive revenue growth. The emphasis on privacy and data regulations will only grow, and third-party data and cookies will soon be a thing of the past. This means brands will need to rethink their digital roadmap strategies and that first-party data will be the go-to strategy in 2023. Because of this, we are excited to learn more about Adobe‘s roadmap to develop and optimize their toolset to meet this critical need for our clients.

If you’re interested in connecting with our team after the conference to hear more about their takeaways or discuss an open Adobe project, you can reach us here.

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President at 85SIXTY and outdoor adventure enthusiast

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