Momentous - Wellness Brand - Shopify Project

Shifting The User Journey

Shifting The User Journey

Woman increasing athletic performance
Woman increasing athletic performance

The Challenge

Momentous, a nutritional supplement company, engaged our services to boost engagement and conversion rates on their podcast channel audience landing page. We identified several challenges through our analysis:

    1. Data indicated that visitors were navigating back and forth between the landing page and product pages multiple times per session and subsequently exiting on the landing page.
    2. The existing landing page predominantly featured direct links to individual product pages.
    3. Fallout from Product pages was abnormally high

To increase performance KPIs, we significantly altered visitor pathways from direct to products to product collections. This alternative product journey produced higher quality product views and generated an 18 percent higher add to cart rate relative to the control.

Our Proof

Increase in Adds to Cart
Increase in Quality of Product Views
Increase in Page CTR
Decrease in Exit Rate

Our Approach:

Guide users to higher converting pathways

To address these issues, we redesigned the user journey to emphasize product collections rather than individual products. This strategic shift redirected users to explore collections of products, which facilitated a more engaging browsing experience. Our testing revealed the following significant outcomes:

  • The new user journey led to a 500% increase in traffic to the collection-oriented pathways.
  • This approach reduced the number of product views required by 17% on average before users added a product to their cart, confirming our hypothesis that users were experiencing friction with the previous setup.
  • As a result, we observed an 18% increase in the add-to-cart (ATC) rate.

Our tests not only enhanced user engagement but also provided deeper insights into the podcast audience’s preferences. This knowledge has enabled us to develop a roadmap for further impactful testing and optimizations.

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At Momentous, partnering with 85Sixty for Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) testing and CX strategy has empowered us to make informed business decisions. Their meticulous analysis, strategic adjustments and talent for channeling consumer psychology have not only driven impressive results but have also fundamentally improved our user experience. Their commitment to delivering tangible results and being a pleasure to work with, makes them a highly recommended partner for businesses seeking impactful CRO services.
Ashley Lanning
Marketing Director

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